All in Health & Wellness

Allergies are Expensive

Clashing opinions are what make up the bulk of the press in the United States. Many argue in one direction and the rest in others. One undeniable trait the US holds is the high price of healthcare and health-related products. In any case, treatments can cost you an exorbitant amount and even more without the aid of insurance. Millions across America are burdened with medical costs too high to afford, and it’s almost always for something they can’t help. 

The Impact of Poverty on Single Mothers and Their Children

Poverty encompasses more than a lack of resources; it has the potential to condemn individuals for a lifetime. The relentless pursuit of escaping poverty takes a toll on one's well-being and overall quality of life. It is especially insidious for children, as it establishes lifelong struggles that are nearly impossible to overcome. Having grown up in the shadow of poverty, in a single-parent household, I can personally attest to the harm it inflicts such as abuse and illnesses to homelessness and food scarcity. Regrettably, this is a familiar reality for millions living in the United States.

How Internships Affect Student Mental Health

The question of how internships affect student mental health is in reasonable judgment a meaningful one. Often used by students to gain curricular credit in a major course of study, these experiences can be unpaid, although some paid ones also exist. Considering that income is a key social determinant of health, the question of how internships (especially unpaid ones) are connected to internships is one that can and should be answered. 

Causes and Solutions to Malnutrition

When we hear the word malnutrition, a lot of things come to mind. Malnutrition could be someone with anorexia, someone with a history of alcohol abuse, or someone with obesity. Malnutrition does not only apply to people who are underweight but also to people who are overweight. Sometimes there is this misunderstanding that malnutrition means a lack of food; this is not entirely true. Malnutrition is when you are not getting the proper amount of nutrients in your body. Ending malnutrition can be difficult to do because sometimes people are in denial; this creates huge health problems. A healthy person might say to someone who is overweight that they need to eat healthily and their response to that may be that they feel happy with how they look. This type of response could be a genuine response; perhaps they are happy not being skinny, but it could also mean that they are just not willing to be consistent in having a healthy eating plan. Observe people who are financially stable, people who are living in poverty, and people who suffer from alcohol abuse, they all need help with bettering their eating habits. Thus, the solution to malnutrition needs to address every form it comes in to be effective for everyone.

How To Stay Healthy This Fall: Health Tips For You And Your Family

It is that time of the year where we enjoy the crisp and cool air, colors, feelings, and magic of watching the falling leaves, amongst other fantastic fall season perks. However, it can also be a challenging time for our health. The change in season can disrupt routines and make us more susceptible to colds and flu. That's why it's advised to take some extra steps to stay healthy this fall season.